Burn Guide


  • Remove packaging before lighting.
  • Place in a well ventilated, draught free location.
  • Check the glass jar and discard container candles if the jar is cracked, chipped or broken.


  • Never burn on or near flammable or heat sensitive surfaces.
  • Under no circumstances should any product that generates heat, flame or fragrance be placed directly onto antique, valuable or highly polished furniture.
  • Do not place your candle directly on a table or any other surface that may be subject to damage.
  • Always use candles and fragrance products on an appropriate tray or plate.
  • Do not position candles or fragrance products on or near electrical appliances, TV cabinets or any secondary heat source.
  • Never burn candles on a shelf with another shelf above eg. inside a bookcase.
  • Keep candles out of reach of children and pets.



  • When lighting for the first time, trim wick to 6mm (except tealights), burn for one to three hours, as applicable to set the candle memory.
  • When lighting a candle using a match, take care to prevent any match debris from dropping onto the candle. We recommend the use of lighters for maximum safety and efficiency when lighting candles.



  • Never burn a candle for longer than three hours at a time.
  • After the maximum recommended burn time, extinguish, cool and trim the wick to 6mm before relighting.
  • Never move a burning candle. Allow to cool after extinguishing before touching.
  • Keep the candle flame well away from flammable or combustible materials.
  • Never leave burning candles unattended.



  • Keep wax pool free from foreign matter and wick debris. Remove if present.
  • Don’t burn candles completely. Discard when wax reaches 1cm from the bottom for container or votive candles.



In the event of a ‘wax pool fire’, do not panic. The candle should not be moved or touched whilst on fire. Treat as for an oil or grease fire by starving the oxygen supply. Preferably use CO2 or powder extinguishers or a fire blanket. If these are not available a bucket of sand or if the fire is small, a packet of baking soda can be used. Do not use other kitchen ingredients such as flour because these are flammable. A fireproof container such as a steel pan can be placed over the burning candle if it completely seals off the air. Never throw water onto the fire, this will cause the ignited wax to spread. Never attempt to blow it out.To avoid wax pool fires always follow the safety and care instructions for your candle.


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